
Synopsis About “The 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa”

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As a lecturer of writing in the Faculty of Training Teacher and Education, University of Tama Jagakarsa, I have to say that I did not read yet this religious novel. This novel is wrote by Hanum and Rangga, the son of Mr. Amin Rais.  Every body now about Mr. Amin Rais. He is the old leader of Muhammadiyah.

So I am very proud of this student who try to write about a synopsis of this very interesting novel. So I want to upload this writing in to my personal website I also want to upload all excellent writings in my website. Please do try to read that writings. Here are the writings.

Synopsis about “The 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa

By: Titi Sulasih, student of FKIP, University of Tama, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan

“The 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa” tells the story of a trip Hanum and Rangga for 3 years living in Europe. The film also covered the story of friendship, struggle to maintain confidence and finding the story traces the history of Islam in Europe.

Appointed from the bestselling novel Rais Hanum Salsabiela and Rangga Almahendra, this film takes place in four countries: Vienna (Austria), Paris (France), Cordoba (Spain) and Istanbul (Turkey).

Revealing the secrets of Islam in Europe. By shooting in Vienna (Austria), Paris (France), Cordoba (Spain) and Istanbul (Turkey). Besides feast for the eyes with the beauty of the European building is elegant and classic, there also we can see the secrets of Islam in the building. Being a minority in Europe is certainly very difficult. But, for Ayse Fatma Pasha and they are very proud of and continue to spread the histories of Islam in Europe. They call Agent Muslim, learn about the history of Islam by visiting the Museum, Hill and other buildings.

Religious film is presented with a European feel, a place where there are still many secrets unknown by Muslims in Indonesia or even in another country. Islam has a strong influence on European countries, how Fatma, Ayse, Rangga, Hanum, Khan, Marion as a true Muslim Agent albeit minority, they retain their belief and maintain tolerance.

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