
ICT in Mathematics Teacher Training

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Oleh Suparlan *)

Human being now is entering the so called the era of information technology. Before the coming of the era, the human kind has already entered the previous eras. The first era is “food gathering”, the second is “green revolution”, and the third is “industrial revolution”. So, the era of “information technology” is the fourth. This period of civilization stated by Alvin Toffler in his book entitled “Fourth Wave”.

First of all, on behalf of our institution, I would like to welcome you in Mathematic Teacher Training Development Center in Yogyakarta. As you know already, Yogyakarta is the remaining city of Javanese Kingdom, the city of education, and right now Yogyakarta will be come also one of a cyber city in Indonesia. Again, thank you very much for your coming in our campus of MTTDC, to looking at ICT development.

Here, in this session, I would like to show you at a glance the development of ICT in MTTDC Yogyakarta. We knew that the development of ICT in MTTDC is not growing very well and very fast. We are just walking in the same place very slowly. We hope that even it is slowly but sure.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

IT AND ICT. I would like to show you that the development of ICT in the world is based on the era of information technology. In the century of XXI, we have entered in an era of IT, after a beginning era what we called “food gathering”, is the first era of Homo sapiens?. Then we went through an era of “green revolution”, then “industrial revolution”. The last era is the era of IT, is the fourth wave of civilization of human kind according to Alvin Toffler.

Right now we are in the era what we called the borderless world, because of the development of IT. The development of IT makes a faster progress in all aspects of living and life, from our waking up early in the morning to going up to bed. Our cellular phone, television, personal computer in our life style indicates that we have already entered in the era of IT. The development of IT spreads to a very important aspect of education. Here it is a list of terminologies on ICT: (1) LAN, (2) WAN, (3) MAN, (4) cyber city, (5) multi media, (6) virtual learning, (7) e-learning, (9) e-mail, (9) internet, etc.

So, ICT AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY is growing closed. The educational technology development is as follows:

  • from slate to paper
  • from leaf rib and feather to pen
  • from pen to ballpoint
  • from black board to white board
  • from chalk to board marker
  • from paper to computer
  • from ‘chalk and talk’ to discussion and inquiry
  • from teacher-centered to student-centered

There are some new paradigms on educational technology, especially on ICT progress and development. These paradigms come to education in Indonesia too. Computer science is very important for the Indonesian people and students. They have to master computer to grasp information.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We come up to THE MAIN ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF MTTDC. The main roles and functions of MTTDC are:

  • Education and training center for mathematic key teachers
  • Study and development of teaching and learning process and strategy on mathematic education

Using ICT in learning and teaching process is one of the strategies to deliver mathematic concepts. Using internet in searching mathematic education materials is another strategy in teaching and learning process. Then, ICT is a much.

UNITS IN MTTDC. To support education and training activities, MTTDC developed units: (1) prototype design of mathematic learning aid, (2) mathematic laboratory, (3) computer unit, (4) media audio video, (4) management information system, (5) library, (6) training services. There will be a production unit of MTTDC in the future.

WEBSITE. MTTDC has an official address of website: MTDC has online website with limited capacity, using telephone dial-up system. We have developed LAN, but it is still limited access. In the near future, MTTDC has a plan to develop a better and more comprehensive website to support ICT. Without a comprehensive website, it means we do not have a better ICT.

COMPUTER UNIT. Main tasks of computer unit of MTTDC are: (1) developing and updating website, (2) developing interactive CD and VCD on mathematic teaching and learning, (3) training on the using computer as a media of mathematic teaching and learning, (4) documenting outputs of mathematic training (papers, modules) and results of individual and groups assignments in the training, (5) documenting IMO tests for primary, junior secondary, and senior high students.

MEDIA AUDIO VIDEO. Main tasks of MAV are: (1) recording important event of MTTDC, both of individual and official programs, (2) planning and producing film or VCD on mathematic teaching and learning, (3) management and operation of electronic devices, such as sound system, LCD projectors, and OHP, and (4) in the long future it will be developed to become a local radio and television.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

MAIN PROBLEMS AND SOLVINF. The main problem are: (1) lack of knowledge and skills on ICT for most of staff of MTTC, (2) still have traditional dial-up system, and (3) lack of budget and facilities for developing LAN, acting M and R, developing program and software, developing standardized system of ICT, develop national and international networking, develop national and international benchmarking.

Here it is brief information on the development of ICT in MTTDC Yogyakarta. More information about that, we want to show some information about products of the Computer Unit of MTTDC after this session.

We do hope that this information will be useful for you all to improve mutual understanding and mutual benefit, both of staffs of MTTDC and Australian consultant. I do hope also that these activities can also solve the ICT problems faced by MTTDC. Thank you very much for paying attention and making commitment among us.

Yogyakarta, April 5, 2004
Head of Technical Services Division,
Mathematic Teacher Training Development Center

*) Website:; E-mail: me [at] suparlan [dot] com.

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