
Welcome Speech to Prof. Dr. Gail Burrill, Mathematics Specialist

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Oleh : Drs. Suparlan, M.Ed, Plh. Kepala PPPG Matematika Yogyakarta

Distinguish Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to welcome you to be here in the Mathematics Teacher Training Development Center (MTTDC), Yogyakarta. The MTTDC is one of the twelve similar institutions in Indonesia. This MTTDC is the only one for mathematics education training center in this country. The other institutions are for science in Bandung, social studies and civics education in Malang, vocational, technology, distance learning, physical and health education, art and craft education, etc.

We are very happy to be with you here. We want you to give a small talk to our colleges on the problems of mathematics teaching and learning or the use and function of teaching aids for mathematics, some things about in-service training program, or what you want to. This institution is very concern to have a strong solution to solve the problems of student achievement, because we have already known that the level of student achievement on science and mathematics in Indonesia is very low. We are in the position of 38th level among the 40 countries involved in the study.

Secondly, I would like to introduce my colleges who work for the MTTDC.

  • Mr. Djumari. He is a head of subdivision of administrative and finance affair.
  • Mrs. Ganung Anggraeni. She is a head of section of training program.
  • Mr. Ananto Karmayoga is a head of section of training administration.
  • Mr. Abu Maali is a head of section of reporting and publication.
  • Mr. Winarno, mathematics lecturer
  • Mrs. Wardhani, mathematics lecturer
  • Mr. Fadjar Shadiq, mathematics lecturer
  • Mrs. Sukayati, mathematics lecturer
  • Mr. Marsudi Rahardjo, mathematics lecturer
  • Mr. Setiawan, mathematics lecturer
  • Mr. Muhammad Danuri, mathematics lecturer
  • Mr. Adi Wijaya, mathematics lecturer
  • Mrs. Pujiati mathematics lecturer
  • Mss. Puji Iryanti, mathematics lecturer
  • Mrs. Wiwiek, mathematics lecturer
  • Mr. Mugiyat, head of human resources affair
  • Mr. Fuad Almasrury, head of finance affair
  • Mr. Sigit Sumarno, head of facilities affair
  • Mr. Suroso, head of domestic affair
  • Endah Wahyuningsih, head of designing of mathematics instructional aids unit
  • Adi Wijaya, head of computer unit
  • Harwasono, head of media and AVA unit
  • Pujiati, head of mathematics laboratory
  • Mr. Shahid, head of library unit
  • Etc.

I would like to inform you that in this fiscal year program, we are very concerned with the development of what we called Mathematics Play Ground. We have a little bit design on the development of MPG, what kind of in door and out door facilities, etc. We imagine that the MPG to be a concept of a science park like in other countries. We hope that this facility will help student to learn mathematics concept more easily and joyfully.

Lastly, thank you very much for coming here in MTTDC. We hope that this program can be continued in the future. We want to make a joint program with NCTM, such as sending a guest lecturer from NCTM to MTTDC. MTTDC would like to acoomodate for all expenses during you are in Yogyakarta, such as accommodation, consumption, and local transport. While international transport will be in charged by the NCTM. This kind of program will be a networking and benchmarking activities for our institution.

Thank you very much.

Yogyakarta, April 2005
Acting Head of MTTDC

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