
Bandung the Ocean of Angklung

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By Suparlan *)

In 1955, the Asian African Conference (AAC) was held in Bandung. Right now in 2015, the 60th Asian African Conference was held in Bandung and Jakarta, to empower the movement of the organization.

The first Asian African Conference was ceremonially opened by the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, with the last speech “let this conference be a great success”. All participants of the conference give a big applause to the leader of the emerging forces, the leader of Indonesia.

Sixty years after the first AAC, in the 24th of April 2015, the Asian African Conference in Bandung again attended by 600 delegations from all over Asian and African countries. The delegations have a planning to visit some tourism destinations in the Bandung, such as White Volcanic Crater and Situ Patenggang.

The most attraction activities in the moment of AAC is the Performance of 20.000 angklung in the Stadium of Siliwangi. This the most number performers until this time. That’s why the International Museum Record of Indonesia (MURI) awarded the record for the Angklung Performance with the biggest number of performance. The previous record for the Angklung Performance held in Jakarta with 11.000 performances.

At last, President Jokowi closed the AAC in Jakarta Convention Center by knocking the hummer three time. Be a great success also Mr. Jakowi.

Source: Warta Kota, 24th of 2015.

Jakarta, 24th of 2015

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