
Student Assignment

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By Suparlan *)

No teacher no education, no education no social economic development
(Ho Chi Mien, Vietnamese Education Father))

Actually, my background of subject matter is not English Language. But, I love English very much since I was a student of Junior Secondary School. When I was a teacher, I took a distance English course for a year. Alhamdulillah, then I got an interesting program to take my master degree in the UH (University of Houston), Texas. So, now English is a part of my life, especially in using a foreign language. After retired, then I became a lecturer in Tama University, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, in English Education program of study, Faculty of Training Teacher and Education. In this private university, I have to teach three subject matter, Writing, English Lesson Plan, and Curriculum and Learning Materials Development.

In first meeting of Writing I in this university, I used this lecture to give writing assignment to the student. I give them Personal Introduction or Biography writing. Every student must write their own biography at the end of the lecture. I give them outline for this assignment. I explained that the best writing in this assignment will be put in my website. I explained that website is the best media of studying English.

Here are the two best writing assignments from two classes. The first best writing is writing assignment from Yadi Cahyadi (morning class) and from Endang Gayatri (evening class).




By Yadi Cahyadi *)


All beginning is difficult
(Wise Word)


On a day, in a village in Province of West Java, thirty three years ago, I was born. Exactly, the village is located in a District of Kuningan. In October 31st, in a day of Sunday, my father has given the name of the baby is Cahyadi. The baby is me.

As a baby, I grew up to be a child. When I was six years old, I started to go to Elementary School in the village. I studied in my Elementary School along six years. After finished my Elementary School, then I was continued to Junior Secondary School located in another district. I had to walk to the school, because there weren’t transportation at that time. After finished the Junior Secondary School along three years, the I went to Senior High School located in another city until I graduated from the school.

Now I live in Depok. I have family with the two children. I am working and also studying in the University of Tama Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. I took program of study in English Education.  Some day, I want to be an effective teacher in English subject matter.

Here is my short biography. By reading this biography, I hope that I can give the spirit to other people to go to higher education like me, especially to my lovely children.

Jakarta, February 4th, 2011.
University of Tama
Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

*) Student of Tama University, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta




By Endang Gayatri *)


If there is a will, there is a way
(English Proverb)


My name is Endang Gayatri Fuji Lestari. You can call me Endang or Gayatri. I am the second daughter in my family. I have one sister. My parents are form Kuningan, West Java. So we are Sundanese. My sister is still single, and so do I. But actually I have already engaged. My fiancé is a soldier. He is going to Aceh for his work. Heeemm, that is a little story about my fiancé.

I was born in September 29th, 1991, in Jakarta, and I grow up in Jakarta too. I don’t like to stay in Kuningan, my home town. I and my family only back to Kuningan once a year, in lebaran day, because we have grand mother there.

Now I want to tell you about my education background. I went to Primary School in Kemayoran. I studied in SDN Kebon Sayur 07. I graduated from this school in 2003. Then, I continued to Junior Secondary School of SMP 79 in Kemayoran, and finished in 2006. Then I continued my study in Senior High School or SMA 20, and graduated from this school in 2009. After finished from Senior High School, I took a rest for a year for getting a job. I got a job in BBC English Training Specialist from 2009 until present day. Then I continue my study in Tama University, taking English Education program of study. After graduated from this university, I want to be a teacher in a public school. I want to establish a training company like BBC, an English course company.

I think this is my personal introduction. If you want to contact me, you can send an e-mail: Thank you.

Jakarta, February 4th, 2011
Tama University
Jagakarsa, South Jakarta

*) Student of Tama University, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta

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3 Komentar. Leave new

  • My sister is single, and so do I
    My sister is single, and so am I

    Ms. Gayatri?

  • Yes, sure. You are one of my best student. So I upload your writing long time when you were in my class. I still love to wrote what ever. Please visit to my house. I want to show your writing to all student of Tama University. Wow… long time ago 2011, but it still like in front our eyes. Thank for opening my website, and make me remember you. You are the best. Off course for your husband and your childrens.

  • Endang Gayatri
    Rabu, 9 Sep 2015 04:15:36

    Assalammualaikum Mr. Suparlan…
    Long time no see and I miss you so much.. Maybe one day I will visit to your house to ‘silaturahmi’.. If you don’t mind, surely…
    I hope that Mr. Suparlan and family will always in Allah’s bless. Aamiin..


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