
Fazla Athaya, Two Years Old, My Grandchild who can Write Names of His Family

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By Suparlan *)

After Subuh

Every morning after subuh and take a walk around a housing complex, I usually open my laptop. I usually write whatever I can write. Yes, I am a writer. So the best time to begin writing is after subuh. This is my personal website which I can submit all of my writings. And I have also wrote some books that already published by a publisher in Yogyakarta. Every morning, 5 o’clock in the morning, Fazla Athaya always open the door of his room. I look at him, and he always smiling calmly. “Good morning my grand son”. He just smile, and ask me “write, write”. I close my writing, then I open a new page on my word processor. He climb up to my sit in front of my laptop. Adjust the font to the biggest point “72”, not 12 point which I usually use. He click “caps lock”. Yes, he already know how to make “caps lock”, “backspace”, “enter”, and also “space”. The first time I show him all of those.

In the beginning, I show him what capital A is, is an initial of his nickname ACHA. Then K, is an initial name of KAKUNG, B, the initial name of BUNDA, E, the initial name of EYANG. Then he can click A, K, E, B, and so on. Every morning after subuh, my grand son was trying to click and click of the capital words in my laptop. When he started to get bored with this activity, then he asks me to open motocross or skateboarding videos in Sometimes he wants me to open another, like basketball, or Cinta Laura as a teacher videos. He was very interested to watch it. After that, then he asks to me to walk together around the complex. He does not only walking, but rides his mini tricycle. He is very happy with his tricycle. Then he wants to go back home to have breakfast with his baby sitter.

It seems he likes to write and he does not stop. When he knows most of the capital, then he asks me to write names of the known names. For instance, he want to write KAKUNG, EYANG, BUNDA, AYAH, ATHAR, TRIAS, ARIF, ANIK, ATIK, ONGKEK, and so on. I just show him K, then A, then K, then U, then N, and at last G. He had already known all of the capital words. He just type the keyoard by his tiny fingers. He learns very easy with many capital words. Sometime he tried to press another keys like numbers. Sometime he asks me what is this, and what is that. I just show him for instance the number of ONE, TWO, etc.

One day before I tried to write this, when he asked me to open motocross videos on youtube, he asked me to open it by himself. “I write”, he asked me. Then, I told him to write in the textbox: M, then O, then T, and O, C, R, O, and double S, finished with ENTER button. The window of the motocross opened, and he selects what he want to open. He selects the best one that he wanted to open. He was very happy to watch it. Then he switched to open other video which is skateboarding. This is the daily activities of my grand son. He is very happy with his activities. He knows well how to turn off and on the laptop. He knows how to write the names of his family with capital words in my laptop.

Is there a wrong with this? I do not know. Even I am a retired teacher, and also I still active as a lecturer in a private university, I really do not know what is wrong with my grand son? According to my knowledge, usually, children know the words in the age of 4, 5, or 6 years. But, my grand son can write names of his family and he is only 2 years old. So, is there anything wrong with my grand son? If you have comments, or suggestions, please contact me via website or e-mail. Thanks a lot.

*) Website:; E-mail: me [at] suparlan [dot] com.

Depok, December 2008

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