
On a Day

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By Suparlan

On a day, in the month of February,

When Howie came to Indonesia on a nice day,

We had a lot of to say,

But we didn’t know how to speak fluently.


On a day, like this nice day,

When Howie brought us to the Houston University,

Then, we lived in a nice, big, high dormitory,

We started our hard study.


And on a day, in the month of May,

When we moved to Beal Village,

The apartment where we stayed,

We lived day by day until the days passed away.


On a day, in Farish Hall, at the University,

When we were trained by all members of the faculty,

We worked hard with our brothers, sisters who gave us knowledge intelligently,

All we have worked hard to study in the Houston University.


All the days that passed away,

All that happened day by day,

All that made us bright and happy,

And all that made us homesick and miss our families..


Oh ……, if to day becomes yesterday,

And if tomorrow replaces to day,

And when we go back to our country,

Then all these will be a sweet, sweet memory,

That we’ll never forget in our life history.


To day ………, in a simple farewell party,

We want nothing but good-byes, thankfulness, and good wishes,

Let us together wish and pray,

May God rejoin us together on a day,

And may God help us together us all our days.


Houston, April 21, 1988.

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