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Teacher! Teacher! Look over here
At the picture that I drew…
It’s a hug and a kiss, Teacher
And I made it just for you!

I made the arms long and strong
Just in case I fall and hurt my knee,
I can look back on the picture, Teacher
And you’ll be right there with me!

Can we put it on the wall, Teacher?
We can hang it really high!
We can keep it there forever, Teacher!
Oh please, can we try?

I can put my name on it!
I can do that now, you know.
I can write each and every letter
Like you taught me long ago.

I can help my little sister, Teacher!
Even though she’s only two…
It’s never too young to start, Teacher!
And soon, she’ll be with you!

I have to go to Kindergarten after summer
But I’m going to miss you very much!
So if you put this picture on the wall,
You’ll always know you’re loved!

Cuz, Teacher! Teacher! You’re my best friend
And when I grow up I want to be
A teacher just like you! Oh yes!
Cuz you mean so much to me.

I can come back and visit, Teacher,
For years and years to come…
To show you how big I’ve gotten!
The person you helped me to become.

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