
I Just Had a Bad Dream about the Board of Education and School Committee in Indonesia

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By Suparlan *)


Dreaming is happening. This dream is happened ia a shining day of month of November 2008. What dream is that? That is a dream about the dead of Board of Education in the year after.

Will the Board of Education dead before the National Board of Education founded? Do we have real indication about this? No. We don’t have anything to make interpretation about the future of the existence of the board. We just know that all districts and walikota in Indonesia have already the board of education. Most of schools in Indonesia have already School Committee. Then, how come with the future of the Board of Education and School Committee? We don’t know the future of the board and committee at all.

A week ago, I heard some things from a person who responsible to develop Board of Education and School Committee in Indonesia. The some thing is about the stagnation process of RPP on Pengelolaan dan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan. The process of RPP to become PP will not be finisihed. In other word, the process will be stop, never ending process, etc. Is that true? This was what I called a bad dream in a light day.  A bad dream I did not imagine before. He said that the RPP will be not published even the governnent wiil change next 2009. Again, the RPP will be not published. My ear was warmed up at that time. I don’t know what wat my face, when I heard the information.

Why is the RPP very important?

Firstly, the RPP is a fundamental operational legislation to implement the UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 on Nasional Education System. Without the RPP, the sistem could not be implemented in our education process. In the para 75 of the UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 stated that the PP must be published at least not more that 2 years after the publication of the UU. Yes this is stated in the UU. I can say that the government is bad forformance in the publication of the RPP.

Secondly, the RPP actually will cover the operational legislation for all level of education in Indonesia, includes the operasional legislation for the community participation, Board of Education, and School Committee.

In two  points, the role of RPP is not only very important for all level of education in Indonesia, the RPP will very important for the future of the Board of Education and School Committee.

Strategic Planning

Ministry of National Education (MONE) stated keys develppment milestones in the MONE Renstra 2004 – 2009. One of the milestones is (1) the board of education will fully operasional in 2009, (2) school committee wil also fully operational in 2009, and (3) the national board of education will be founded in 2009.

The three points of the milestones are just for the board dan committee. These points are the key indicators of the successful program and activities of the government.

Will dream comes true?

I do not know. But I hope that the bed dream is just only a dream, is not a reality. I hope so. My best regards for Board of Educations in alla provinces and districts and all School Committes in all schools in Indonesia.

*) Website:; E-mail: me [at] suparlan [dot] com.

Jakarta, December 4, 2008

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